Wednesday, June 5, 2024


In my schooling days, I can remember my house having a lot of negative energy encapsulated in it. The signs of negative energy at your house are

1)less concentration in studies 

2)No proper sleep

3)Tussles at house

4) and all the negative feelings.


Because of this, I was unable to concentrate on my studies. Negative energies at home were so ubiquitous and in gigantic proportion that it was tough to focus. Into engineering, but the problem persisted with my brain thinking of a solution that was beyond my grasp. The negative energies were still hovering in my house, with all those negative energies, I was unable to concentrate properly. Got a Free seat in Engineering (Electrical subject), but at the house the problem plaguing my inner soul, into my final year, thinking of a solution, that never struck me, in those days. After I left Engineering College, I was determined to remove all the negative energies from my house, I did research on it for a year, with a solution to the problem lit my brain. The solution was simple, do meditation using chess, sudokus, and the things that improve concentration and start increasing grace by doing good deeds. First, I changed my house, the strategy was to meditate at night and with disciplined effort study Hanuman Chalisa, Gayathri mantra, and Vishnu Stotram with the help of my religious grandfather (M. MOHAN REDDY (my guru) priest with many disciples). The strategy worked very well, and in 2024 became a master of removing all the negative energies from the house. The power of Hanuman Chalisa is gigantic, which fired my inner soul, and made me a calmer person from the inside. Now my house is filled with positive energy, always making my mind sharp, increase in appetite for books, and good sleep that is the sign of positive energy. Discipline in chanting mantras at your house is important. Now in 2024, the house is a sweet home, with bustling life activity which increases the appetite for reading books. The secrets I want to share with every Hindu, gone through a lot of research in Vivekananda teaching, with a deep understanding of many mantras. Nature augmentation at your place is always a positive energy. Believer of Vastu, and with my strategy you can develop positive energies, and do good deeds. This is how I converted large packets of negative energies into good positive energies. The path in which I learned a lot. Good luck to all.


Friday, May 10, 2024

My strategy in 40es

  I am always different from the pack. Many of my classmates have families and have a settled life. I feel life is a bit sedate and routine for many of my friends and classmates. I see life differently, always been fascinated by logical thinking since my childhood, but not as gifted as many people, I feel that don't matter if you have the interest and willpower to do what you like is enough. All were interested in building a career, but I was more interested in building a commonsensical logical brain (It does not mean all don't have commonsense, it means careers and jobs were not my cup of tea). Somehow 20es and 30es flew, having a sage-like life with a wise head. Into the 40es, becoming more wiser, trying to figure out a greater strategy. I am happy that I did it right, and not bothered about the things I didn't get. What is the difference, I find in 20es and now in 40es is increased levels of concentration, and IQ to even better levels. More a calmer and always lived life with a smile, not only from the outside but happiness inside. The responsibilities that my parents were expecting were done and dusted, but one thing I didn't do was a job, Because I always with idea of a sage-like life with no traces of a career or job in my recipe ;))))). That I did successfully. Again, want to have a fascinating 40es, but with deeper and very far-sighted ideas. Same things, but ideas encircled in a smarter strategy envelope. This time around, I like to concentrate on fields where the scope of logic is deeper. The first goal, I set for the next 10 years, is something like a 5-year plan for India::))))(year plans were started in the USA and the latter Soviet Union) and a NITI Aayog now in India. Can go near it or make something of it, is becoming a Grand Master of Chess (GM of chess is the highest you get in chess). I chose Chess, because of the deeper intellectual thinking involved. The probability of reaching the target may be 0.6, but the probability of becoming a good deeper intellect in 10 years, with the help of chess is 1, that's the win-win target. For your information, if you want to get into chess, interested in becoming a good player, you have to practice chess puzzles daily and watch games, analyze your games and Grand Master games. A second sourcewhere deeper intellectual thinking, we can get is going deeper into Electrical and Electronics subjects, writing GATE of both Electrical and Electronics yearly. I plan to dig even more deeper than gate levels. Writing Electrical books is another deep planner in place for my sweet 40es. Thirdly, writing a series of science friction books in my 40es with my aura into it is the plan. Fourthly, a mathematical brain will try to do some research (big fan of Ramanujan), and if I am good enough, can write some books on probability, my favorite part in math. Fifthly, I like Economics, will go deeper into the economies of different countries and, if possible will try to write a book. By the way, Economics is a very logical subject and a fascinating one. The strategy of the great Karpov(Chess GM)was to have a logical subject, with chess. He is more interested in economies. Expect a deeper analyzed economics paper shortly. Sixthly, JAVA, planning to release a Java magazine, with all the latest in the world of JAVA(I like Java programming, I also did some projects). All new programs and new concepts will be covered deeply like virtual threads etc). I choose JAVA, because of its richness of logic and plethora of new ideas. Seventh, Geography and some Computer Science subjects in deep. Geography is very interesting; these are the things I enlisted for tunneling into 40es.

My favorite teacher:::Respected GUPTA Sir(Math genius)( Kendriya vidyalaya Number 1 Uppal CHRONICLES,my school )

Into my adolescence, I entered into a place that is always a paradise for me. Entry into K.V 1 Uppal was the best thing that happened in my life. Always been interested in MATH, since my childhood. From my childhood chronicles a person I always admired is MR Gupta, sir. Into the schooling standard 7th, math was taught by MR Gupta sir, he was far ahead of his time. My school ingrained in me all the traits for making a good citizen of India. Sir was very strict, but a charmer all the way. I always tried to copy his style. The books he brought to the class, and the one which he taught us were of the highest order. I would secretly peek into the book and always copy the publisher's name on my palm. An Upper middle-class family always has the finance to buy the book. Mostly a TATA MCGRAW HILL publication, secretly buy the book and always go through it. The one thing I like about his teaching is his far-sighted approach and very well-calculated math mind, beneficial to students at the latter end of his career. Well-educated Sir was following the Ramanujan's way, of giving the little resources and making the student work for the complicated solution. Under his guidance, our school was rewarded with many IITiens, who don't forget his teaching style. The teaching pattern followed in many IITies was given to us at the school level by his intellectual head. As an Electrical Engineer, everything is MATH, I am an average student, but his teaching always helped me and will always be with me. Into my latter schooling, I was not under his guidance but always liked his teaching style. The thing, many schools now can imbibe is don't spoon-feed children. Give them just needed resources and make up their mind to get into the complicated solution, which will always enhance the capacity of critical thinking, which is always needed in real-life scenarios. Always thankful to my teachers.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Age is just a number, keep learning, keep growing

 In 2021, Sankarapandian entered into an exam hall and took the GATE Exam at 67. The previous year a civil engineer wrote the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering) at the age of 80. In Quora, we can find people writing CAT(Common Admission Test), with their daughters and joining MBA in IIM. Writing these exams at such old age is because of family problems at a younger age, or some write to inspire their grandchildren or children. Age is just a number, the enthusiasm to continue their learning quest is what makes life lively. At the age of 40, in the quest to excel at my knowledge, I thought to prepare for CAT and GATE. How much old you may be, thinking to write these tough exams, will increase your horizon of knowledge. The CAT exam has changed a lot over the years, the logical reasoning part is becoming tougher and tougher and the Electrical GATE exam becoming more and more innovative. If you are a graduate, it's always a challenge to write CAT at any age, because with time the exam becomes quite challenging and interesting. Age is just a number, taking challenges and increasing the IQ by trying some different things is good.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Trying to solve jigsaw of life

 How to live life, depends upon choose of that person. Everyone wants to live a successful life. What success means, depends on social standards. God, when we born, sets successful and a failed path. Seeing into the jigsaw, that God planned for you, and taking the path of success, needs extra effort. Life lived to the fullest is life lived for the purpose. Life lived for the betterment of others is, life of noble, and earnest being. What is a satisfying life, depends on person, for some money is satisfying, others it may be betterment of others. According to my humble understanding, Life lived for money is must, but with a noble head is a most satisfying. Living and setting a benchmark for others is life of purpose. I prefer a thoroughly planned and noble emblemed life. Adversity will keep smacking the door, make it a mettle to progress a successful life. Successful life is a sweet melody, interrupted by abrupt coarse tune.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Trip into 2030

I worked with a crazy scientist who discovered a time machine secretly in 2023. The scientist instructed me to board the time machine and the travel into the future began. I landed in India in 2030 and wrote my diary, seeing the events occurring.    

 It, On 28 February 2030, the second batch of settlers on the moon, prepared to make their trip to the moon. Varuna Rocket, with launch vehicle PSLVD-15, is waiting, to onboard these passengers, for the moon trip. The batch consists of 15 Indians, from different parts of the country. In this family of four, are started to be interviewed in a room, before they leave for the moon. The scene is jubilant. The first batch of settlers on the moon was sent 3 months before, they had established a basic colony on the moon. Everything on the moon is on vigil. The plan is to send a batch of 15, in every 3 months' time.5 families were selected for the trip, and the government is charging 1 crore from each family for the trip. The first batch has established an Oxygen plant, on the moon and made all basic needs available, other things that are needed are sent with the second batch of settlers. An announcement is made for passengers to board the Varuna rocket, with the announcement, all 15 were given send-off, by their dear ones. It was a cool evening and all 15 passengers, occupied their seats in Varuna Rocket. The countdown began, with all craving for the future. The lift-off took place, and the journey started for 15 passengers, who were onboard. The mood inside the rocket is euphoric. Everything is being live telecasted and broadcasted in Doordarshan. It's a 15-day journey to the moon. Days passed, the second batch of passengers landed on the moon, were welcomed by the first batch, and everything was being telecasted live. The technology in 2030 is very sophisticated and very advanced. The moon settlers can fulfill their needs by traveling to space stations, that are placed at some distance. The moon is inhabited by 2,000 people from 200 countries around the world. From India, there are 30 people, living on the moon. Each country has its observing station. Water is being stored in the new machines, which are unimaginable for us in 2023. Houses, in the Indian contingent, were made with ceramic deco. On the moon everything is areal, Travel on the moon is through advanced vehicles.

After seeing this I erroneously, commutated the back button, into 2023, with ever-refreshing advancements, that tickle my mind.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Why Pablo Picasso's painting so costly?

Pablo Picasso, a Spanish painter, and sculptor is considered to be the creator of the greatest paintings. I write my analysis of the paintings of the Great Pablo Picasso. The factor that makes his paintings priceless is his depth of creativity. There are many a million painters in the world of imagination, but what separates him from others is, the cryptic message a painting envisages. Many famous paintings of him, envisages the current situation of upheaval in society. The painting depicts a situation in political, and cultural happening in the society at that time. Drawing a painting, to educate society is seen as a noble upbringing. Pablo Picasso's magical jigsaw of colors depicts his complicated mind, trying to sculpt a veiled message to voice the concerns of society. The depth of his intellect is reflected in his scribbled paintings of him. His painting takes the client into the world of colors ringing the bells of the unseen, this is the reason, why his paintings are considered to be the costliest, owning a Pablo Picasso Painting is considered to be an elitist.