Friday, May 10, 2024

My strategy in 40es

  I am always different from the pack. Many of my classmates have families and have a settled life. I feel life is a bit sedate and routine for many of my friends and classmates. I see life differently, always been fascinated by logical thinking since my childhood, but not as gifted as many people, I feel that don't matter if you have the interest and willpower to do what you like is enough. All were interested in building a career, but I was more interested in building a commonsensical logical brain (It does not mean all don't have commonsense, it means careers and jobs were not my cup of tea). Somehow 20es and 30es flew, having a sage-like life with a wise head. Into the 40es, becoming more wiser, trying to figure out a greater strategy. I am happy that I did it right, and not bothered about the things I didn't get. What is the difference, I find in 20es and now in 40es is increased levels of concentration, and IQ to even better levels. More a calmer and always lived life with a smile, not only from the outside but happiness inside. The responsibilities that my parents were expecting were done and dusted, but one thing I didn't do was a job, Because I always with idea of a sage-like life with no traces of a career or job in my recipe ;))))). That I did successfully. Again, want to have a fascinating 40es, but with deeper and very far-sighted ideas. Same things, but ideas encircled in a smarter strategy envelope. This time around, I like to concentrate on fields where the scope of logic is deeper. The first goal, I set for the next 10 years, is something like a 5-year plan for India::))))(year plans were started in the USA and the latter Soviet Union) and a NITI Aayog now in India. Can go near it or make something of it, is becoming a Grand Master of Chess (GM of chess is the highest you get in chess). I chose Chess, because of the deeper intellectual thinking involved. The probability of reaching the target may be 0.6, but the probability of becoming a good deeper intellect in 10 years, with the help of chess is 1, that's the win-win target. For your information, if you want to get into chess, interested in becoming a good player, you have to practice chess puzzles daily and watch games, analyze your games and Grand Master games. A second sourcewhere deeper intellectual thinking, we can get is going deeper into Electrical and Electronics subjects, writing GATE of both Electrical and Electronics yearly. I plan to dig even more deeper than gate levels. Writing Electrical books is another deep planner in place for my sweet 40es. Thirdly, writing a series of science friction books in my 40es with my aura into it is the plan. Fourthly, a mathematical brain will try to do some research (big fan of Ramanujan), and if I am good enough, can write some books on probability, my favorite part in math. Fifthly, I like Economics, will go deeper into the economies of different countries and, if possible will try to write a book. By the way, Economics is a very logical subject and a fascinating one. The strategy of the great Karpov(Chess GM)was to have a logical subject, with chess. He is more interested in economies. Expect a deeper analyzed economics paper shortly. Sixthly, JAVA, planning to release a Java magazine, with all the latest in the world of JAVA(I like Java programming, I also did some projects). All new programs and new concepts will be covered deeply like virtual threads etc). I choose JAVA, because of its richness of logic and plethora of new ideas. Seventh, Geography and some Computer Science subjects in deep. Geography is very interesting; these are the things I enlisted for tunneling into 40es.

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